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2018 NFL Week 6 predictions

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Tarih: 13.Mart.2025 Saat 07:00
Program Versiyonu: Web Wiz Forums 9.06 -

Konu: 2018 NFL Week 6 predictions
Mesajý Yazan: chenyan94
Konu: 2018 NFL Week 6 predictions
Mesaj Tarihi: 02.Aðustos.2019 Saat 04:43 - Reggie Nelson Jersey , picks against the spread Last week proved tricky for picking against the spread, with huge wins by the Bills, Chiefs and Jets throwing a wrench in our good intentions. Here are the spreads for this week:Eagles -3 at GiantsBills at Texans pick’emSeahawks -3 at Raiders (in London)Bears -3 at DolphinsSteelers at Bengals -2.5Colts at Jets -2.5Panthers at Washington -1Cardinals at Vikings -10.5Chargers -1 at BrownsBuccaneers at Falcons -3.5Rams -7 at BroncosJaguars -3 at CowboysRavens -3 at TitansChiefs at Patriots -349ers at Packers -9.5As for our picks this week, Levi Damien is still the only one of us who has a winning record against the spread this year. I’m sure glad I don’t live in Vegas - Kolton Miller Jersey , or my kids wouldn’t be able to go to college. We have a few unanimous picks this week, as we all like the Texans, Falcons and Jaguars. The Great Beyond’s choice in the Raiders vs. Seahawks game will be revealed in the morning’s Friday Foretelling.UntitledLeviRyanTyler GTylerEvan GBD WillMarcusLeviRyanTyler GTylerEvan GBD WillMarcusAnd here are this week’s Community picks:UntitledRANKNAMEPOINTSCURRENT W/LRANKNAMEPOINTSCURRENT W/L Reggie McKenzie is out and Mike Mayock is in as G.M. of the Raiders, and the scouts have been expecting major changes — even before today’s strange story that the Raiders have sent their scouts home because they don’t know who they can trust not to leak sensitive information.Michael Gehlken of the reports that the Raiders’ scouts have anticipated for months that a shakeup in the scouting department will happen after the draft.That’s not a big surprise. Head coach Jon Gruden is running the show - P.J. Hall Jersey , and he wants his own people handling scouting, not McKenzie’s people. By the time the Raiders hired Mayock, the college football season was already over and it wouldn’t have made sense to fire all the scouts who had spent all season watching games, but now that those scouts have done their work and there’s nothing left to scout - Johnny Townsend Jersey , they’re out.Gruden and Mayock will bring in their own staff of personnel people who will help shape the franchise in Las Vegas. The scouts who have been doing that work are getting an early exit from Oakland.


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